Moshe Alamaro (retired)
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

Founder, ReSlope Global
An international program for semiarid terrain
alteration to convert it into arable land.

617-244-7995 (cell)
Alamaro [at]

Master of Science in Atmospheric Science, MIT
The Degree of Mechanical Engineer, MIT
Bachelor of Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering,
Technion Institute of Technology

As a graduate student and later as a Research Scientist at the MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), I helped to design, build, and manage the MIT Air-Sea Interaction Lab (now defunct) where I supervised six students. I specialize in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, applied mechanics and mechanics of materials, hydrology, sea-air interaction, ice engineering, compressible flow, optimization and nonlinear programming, and cross-disciplinary research and engineering.

I am a retired naval officer and a generalist. I initiated programs for weather modification, medical devices, smog abatement, evaporation suppression over water reservoirs, new direct contact cogeneration technology and applications, and snow making technology for winter ice manufacturing used for a variety of applications. I am also the founder of ReSlope Global,, a nonprofit enterprise for terrain alteration in semi-arid areas for turning marginal dryland land into arable cultivable land. This international enterprise may have a potential to alleviate the looming world food crisis.

Recognitions and Awards

National Science Fellow, Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals

Honorable Mention-Boston Edison Centennial Energy Invention Competition. One of six winners out of 260 proposals, for the concept of nitrogen fixation mobile electricity-intensive industrial plants.


Alamaro, M., Louis, J., Teizer J., Semiarid Terrain Alteration for Converting Dryland into Arable Land – Construction and Earthmoving perspectives. Forthcoming in July 2022 at the upcoming International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction of ISARC, (Click).

Alamaro, M., Emanuel, K., Langer, R., : “Surface Film Distribution System and Method Thereof”, Patent Application US20120128422 and PCT/US2011/061851

Alamaro, M., Kaufman, A., Wang, J.; “System and Method for Endoscopic Size Measurement and Mapping of Internal Organs, Tumors and other Objects”, US Patent Application, SN 60/733,572, October 26, 2006.

Original Images for US Patent Application, SN 60/733,572 (click).

Alamaro, M., Michele, J., Pudov, V.: “A Preliminary Assessment of Inducing Anthropogenic Tropical Cyclones Using Compressible Free Jets and the Potential for Hurricane Mitigation,” Journal of Weather Modification, Vol. 38, P. 82-96, 2006.

With Emanuel, K.A.: “Sea-Air Transfer in Tropical Cyclones”Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapora, Japan, July 1, 2003.

Alamaro, M., Emanuel, KA, McGillis, W., Colton J.: “Experimental Investigation of Air-Sea Transfer of Momentum and Enthalpy at High Wind Speed” Presented at the Proceeding of the American Meteorology Society, May 2002.

Alamaro, M.; “Wind Wave Tank for the Investigation of Momentum and Enthalpy Transfer from the Ocean Surface at High Wind Speed,” M.S. thesis at the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May, 2001.

Armstrong, R., Glenn G.J., Alamaro, M. “Coordination, research needed in weather science”Physics Today, Vol 60, Page 10, June 2007.

Alamaro, M.; “On the Feasibility of Generating and Storing Winter Ice to Meet Water Demands in the Summer”, Mechanical Engineer’s Degree Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May, 1999.

Alamaro, M.; Moving to Where the Energy is, Chemtech (American Chemical Society) May, 1994, p. 49.

Alamaro, M.; “Plasma Method and Apparatus for the Production of Compounds from gas mixtures, particularly useful for the Production of Nitric Oxides from Atmospheric Air,” U.S. Patent 4,505,795.

Alamaro, M.; “Production of Nitric Oxides,” U.S. Patent 4,287,040.

Alamaro, M.; “Plasma Method and Apparatus for the Production of Compounds from gas mixtures, particularly useful for the Production of Nitric Oxides from Atmospheric Air,” U.K. Patent 2 113 509.

Alamaro, M., 2022, Fundamentals of a Vertical Free Jet (Click).


Alamaro, M.; The New Military-Industrial Complex and the Israeli-Hamas War, Global Policy Journal, April 10th, 2024.

Alamaro, M.; The Vietnamization of the Israeli Defense Forces,, October 28th, 2023.

Alamaro, M.; The Peril of Messianic Zionism, Breaking Analysis, Middle East Policy Council. May 8th, 2023.

Alamaro, M.; Water politics must adapt to a warming worldNature, September 30, 2014

Alamaro, M.; “The Economics of Peace,” Harvard Business Review, Volume 80, Number 11, Page 26, November 2002.

Alamaro, M.; “Rethinking Technological Economy of Scale,” IEEE Technology and Society, Winter, 1994,Vol. 13, p. 20.

Alamaro, M.; “Voodoo Engineering”Machine Design, JULY 8, 2004.

Alamaro, M.; “My Journey to Engineer the Weather,” MIT Alumni News and Views, What Matters: June 2009.

Alamaro, M.; “Recovery and Reuse of Unused Prescription Drugs: Combining New Technologies, Social Policy, and Actual Implementation,” MIT Alumni News and Views, What Matters: August 2005.

Alamaro, M.; Des usines-butineuses: qui se baladeront pour tirer profit du courant des centrales momentanment excdentaires LeTemps Strategique, No. 87, p. 82, Mai/Juin, 1999.

Alamaro, M.; Hard Wisdom for Scarce WaterProject Syndicate Nov. 28, 2014. Was syndicated worldwide.


Can jet engines clean up Delhi’s foul air?BBC, December 13, 2016

Retired jet engines could help clear smogThe Economist, November 24, 2016

Slick idea proposed to stretch water suppliesNature, February 27, 2015

“A Different Approach to Coping with Drought”New York Times, August 15, 2012

Could Limiting Evaporation Help With Drought? Here and Now, National Public Radio, June 30, 2014.

“Rising Drug Costs Prompt New Uses for Old Pills,” Nature Medicine, Nature Magazine, Volume 12 P. 1333, December 2006.

“Old Pills Finding New Medicine Cabinets,” The New York Times, May 18, 2005.

“Riders on The Storm,” The Atlantic Monthly, October 2007.

Drought remedy: Thin barrier could save water in reservoirs, San Francisco Chronicle, February 19, 2014.

“Scientists a step closer to steering hurricanes,” The Sunday Telegraph, October 21, 2007.

“An Ice Idea” The Economist, August 19, 1999.

“Ultra-thin ‘blankets’ cut reservoir evaporation,” New Scientist, November 2003.